Expand Your Mind. Change Your World.

We offer higher educational consultancy to students with an aim to inform, educate, guide & counsel the various levels of students as well as various streams of students with our expertise and professional services, so that they can realize their full potentials and become successful in their object of life.

We have a team of professionals, who are basically psychologists, dedicated towards this field. They try to understand the needs of the student and accordingly counsel them to choose the right Career Path.

We, at Pulse Global have a unique way of deciding the Career Path of students. For doing so we go through the following steps;

Aptitude Testing

Aptitude Tests are standardized career tests that can help you make a natural career choice based on your strong aptitudes. At Pulse Global Services we use a unique tool called “Mindsmarts” to measure your abilities. “Mindsmarts” is a combination of IQ test, Aptitude test, Interest test and Personality test. It gives a comprehensive report of your skills and abilities.

The Aptitude Tests focus upon your analytical and abstract reasoning with reference to your verbal, numerical and spatial abilities. They are used to predict your future performance for leadership, mechanical, clerical, engineering, medical and other specific fields.

An objective form of career counselling is through an Aptitude test, or a career test. Aptitude tests usually provide a list of recommended jobs that match the test takers attributes. It also provides an insight and information about which jobs may be suitable for the individual based on the combination of their interests, values and skills. It makes you aware of your strengths and weakness (abilities, skills and talents).

There is no harm in looking at the possible alternatives and for that the first and the foremost aspect to be considered and understood is the ‘Aptitude’ of the person concerned who has to make a career choice.

Career Guidance & Counselling

  • Career Counselling is the process of understanding and providing solutions to the candidate who are not able to decide what career to choose, with the help of professional career counsellor and based on that understanding career counsellor explores the various career options available to students, with the help of psycho-socio tools and analysis i.e. Aptitude Testing, Interest Analysis and Personality factors.
  • Our career counselling advisors spend adequate time with the students to assess their interests, personality, values and skills and help them explore various career options. The primary purpose of career counselling is to help the students learn how to explore and investigate potential courses to pursue and take up related vocation so that success in career and life is ensured.
  • Selection of career path is one of the extreme important decisions everyone has to take.
  • Career Counselling generally focuses on issues such as career exploration, career change, personal career development and other career related issues. Typically when people come for career counselling they know exactly what they want to get out of the process, but are unsure about how it will work and Career counselling is the process of helping the candidates to select a course of study that may help them to get into job or make them employable.
  • Career Counsellors do Career Counselling to “help people find their Passion", choose the right career and appropriate course to suit their attitude, identify their values, aspirations and goals, and the scope of a course or career in India or Abroad.
  • Through our commitment to continually deliver the highest standards of service, we offer expansive and unique tailor made educational services. We pride ourselves in our unique, bespoken educational offerings delivered with a personal, first class service. Our reputation is of great importance to us and we are very proud of the testimonials we have received from previous clients, many of whom return to us for further services.

Career Planning

Have you ever wondered why some people are more successful than others? The answer is: they chose the right career and to choose the right career, proper planning is required.

Career Planning is a well defined documents of guidance for students and it is done with the objective of “Help the People find their Passion”, choose the right career options and most suitable discipline of profession matching your aptitude, Interest and personality to become most successful person in your life.

Career Planning incorporates short-term and long-term career goals, personal goals and constraints. You don't always have control over outside factors such as health and family issues, but as far as possible, your planning process should incorporate the following stages:

  • Assess your skills, knowledge, values, constraints and interests.
  • Identify which new skills and knowledge you want to develop.
  • Formulate a career action plan with all possibility.
  • Check the careers action plan for realism.

Career Plan would include all the information needed for the clients to choose and groom their career from the beginning. For e.g. if the scoring of the Aptitude tests of the clients shows up with medical field, in music, art, etc fields to choose in, then the career plan will include all the required details of how to get into medical field, what are the entrance exams to be prepared for it, at what stages, from where, which colleges he/she can avail admissions, job opportunities etc.

Deciding on a career is easy for some people and hard for some, but planning can help make it easier. The first part of planning can help you decide on career options, and then the rest can help you achieve the career goals you set after making the decision.
But the very first step in the decision process is to know yourself.

Know what you are interested in. “Do you love to solve math equations or write stories, study biology or paint?” Beyond knowing what you are fascinated by, you need to evaluate your skills. Include both your academic strengths and others like athletics and communication. “Could you work in a cubicle or do you need to be outdoors? Do you prefer working by yourself or in a team? What sort of pace is best for you: slow, moderate, fast or frenzied?”

We, at Pulse Global Services offer career assessment tests and for that we use a unique tool called ‘Mindsmarts’. It basically asks the students all sorts of questions in order to analyze their interests, abilities, potentials and strengths. Then we provide with a list of possible careers to pursue. We have a Career Guidance & Counselling session with the student and the parents and leave them to decide giving all the pros and cons of the options provided.

Once the Career option has been chosen by the student then we do the Career Planning of the student. It is a booklet which provides guidelines to students starting from the stream/group to choose, list of coaching institutes, list of colleges/universities, list of entrance exams to appear for the same, scope of course chosen and remuneration.

Career Mapping

Career Mapping is a tool that provides young students on the verge of deciding their career paths with unique, data-driven insights to help them build the careers they are suitable for. Career mapping basically depicts the clear picture of what the student has done till now, academically & socially. To prepare Career Map, we ask in for all the academic mark-sheets of the students, along with any extra and co-curricular certificates. We also ask them to provide information on any educational tours and visits made.

Also they have to fill in a questionnaire which depicts the parent’s socio-economic status, their educational and occupational background and medical history.

Based on all this information we prepare a career graph which shows the ups and downs in the student’s career.

Also from extra and co-curricular activities we try to find their inclination towards any particular field/activity. Or in other words you can say, their inner capabilities and interest area for a particular field or work. So that proper guidance can be given in terms of choosing the right career path.

In short like a GPS in your car, Career Maps display alternative routes to build mastery in the core professions. Mastery is being the “best you can be” and those who achieve mastery of their professions or trades are leaders, mentors and innovators.

Career Map after 10th


Career Map after 12th


Career Map with Science


Career Map with Commerce


Career Map with Arts


Career Map Post Graduation